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and see how you can help them grow.

What is your reader’s… name, age, and gender?

First Reader

What is 's Birthday?

What is 's  Ethnicity?

Please select all that apply

What grade is currently in, or will be going into next if it’s currently summer?

What is 's reading level?

What are  favorite books, or favorite series to read?

(Examples could be Junie B. Jones, Skippyjon Jones, or Wings of Fire)

Select all topics  would enjoy reading about

(select at least 3)

Select all genres  would enjoy reading about

(select at least 3)

Select all themes you would like  to read about

(select at least 3)

Select all seasonal or holiday related books you would like  to read about

Would you and  be interested in receiving books that are considered “vintage” but in good condition? These books are from the years 1950-2000.

Select all types of books you would like included in 's box that best fit their literacy needs

Would you and be interested in receiving series books?

By selecting “yes” to this question, you may receive series books at random or out of sequential order.

Please use this space to help us provide the best experience for 's literacy needs

Let us know if there is anything else you would like to see in 's box, as well as anything you do NOT want included.

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What is your reader’s… name, age, and gender?

Second Reader

What is 's Birthday?

What is 's  Ethnicity?

( We know representation matters and want to be able to provide your reader with books that will best fit their literacy needs )

What grade is currently in, or will be going into next if it’s currently summer?

What is 's reading level?

What are 's favorite books, or favorite series to read?

(Examples could be Junie B. Jones, Skippyjon Jones, or Wings of Fire)

Select all topics  would enjoy reading about

(select at least 3)

Select all genres  would enjoy reading about

(select at least 3)

Select all themes you would like  to read about

(select at least 3)

Select all seasonal or holiday related books you would like  to read about

Would you and  be interested in receiving books that are considered “vintage” but in good condition? These books are from the years 1950-2000.

Select all types of books you would like included in 's box that best fit their literacy needs

Would you and be interested in receiving series books?

By selecting “yes” to this question, you may receive series books at random or out of sequential order.

Please use this space to help us provide the best experience for 's literacy needs

Let us know if there is anything else you would like to see in 's box, as well as anything you do NOT want included.

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Personalized pre-loved children’s books curated for your child’s unique interests and literacy needs